
Want to trade for books?

You asked and we listened!

Select items from the Amazon WishList to send in place of purchasing books using our Shop. There are two tiers – please see below for which minimums to hit for which books.

Note: Trades are only available within the US, includes Hawaii and Alaska.

Tier 1 Trades

For 1x copy of any of the following (including the shipping, tax, etc – all in!), please send a minimum of $75 worth from the wish list. It can be in gift cards, items, etc.

Tier 1 trade options ($75 min):

  • Manacled (omnibus)
  • Breath Mints / Battle Scars
  • Remain Nameless
  • The Auction
  • DM&tMOoBIL
  • Amor Vincit Omnia
  • Isolation (cover option #1)

Tier 2 Trades

For 1x copy of any of the following (including the shipping, tax, etc – all in!), please send a minimum of $90 worth from the wish list. It can be in gift cards, items, etc.

Tier 1 trade options ($90 min):

  • Manacled (3-volume set)
  • Secrets & Masks (2-volume set)
  • Measure of a Man (3-volume set)
  • Perfectly in Pieces (2-volume set)
  • All the Young Dudes (3-volume set)
  • Wait & Hope (2-volume set)

How it Works:

  1. Decide which book you want to trade for – there are 2 Tiers.
  2. Make sure the book you want is in-stock by going to its product page (some have as few as 3 copies left!)
  3. Go to the Amazon Wish List and select enough items and/or gift cards that you meet the minimum requirement for your book (Tier 1 is a minimum of $75 worth of trade value, Tier 2 is a minimum of $90 worth of trade value). If your trade is worth more than the minimum, thank you! If you are trading for multiple items, please make sure your subtotal meets the minimum requirements ($75x 2, or $90×2, or $75 + $90, etc) This covers the book and shipping cost, etc. You’re all set!
  4. Add to your cart and make your purchase – the delivery address is all setup through Amazon when you select items from the wishlist.
  5. When using gift cards, please check the amount and have them sent to [email protected]
  6. Email your receipt / confirmation to [email protected] and tell us which book you are trading for. We will set that book aside and confirm your trade.
  7. When your traded items are received, we will email to let you know (Amazon lets you know as well), and we will send out your book and provide you with the USPS tracking number.